Vitamins Hair Loss, List Of Vitamins To Regrow Hair Fast!

Before and after of hair regrowth.Hair Loss Regrowth Vitamin Results

Best Vitamins for Hair Thinning and Hair Loss 

Vitamins hair loss deficiency: Choosing the best vitamins for hair loss is a great natural solution to possibly restore and reverse hair loss, if your hair loss cause is due to vitamin deficiency.

There are many different reasons for female hair loss and hair thinning. This is why I wanted to do this website to help women see the different options and causes to help restore hair.

Due to the different reasons of female hair loss, I recommend taking vitamins first to help with your female pattern hair loss. Doing so will help you understand better if your hair loss thinning is due to a vitamin deficiency or not.

This is why it is important to take hair loss thinning vitamin supplements first before doing topical treatments second if you are unsure of what your hair loss cause may be.

Taking the following vitamins that I discuss on this page, will help give you a better understanding of what vitamin and mineral supplements to take for hair loss. I find through my research that they are the best known natural supplements for restoring women's female hair loss.

List Of Vitamins to Help Restore Hair Loss Thinning

Vitamins Hair Loss List to Help Restore Hair Loss Thinning: (Vitamin C) 

The hair benefits of vitamin C is very helpful in helping restore your hair loss and hair thinning. It also helps to prevent dry hair. Vitamin C intake also helps in preventing split ends in hair, according to the university of Maryland medical center.

Vitamin C is very helpful for people who suffer from hair loss and hair thinning due to traction alopecia because of fact that it helps prevent split ends & dry hair. Dry hair and split ends can cause breakage in the hair and if it is not treated properly by doing hair treatments and taking vitamin C it can cause severe hair thinning over time. 

Even though vitamin c deficiency may not be a direct cause of female hair loss it is still effective by helping you to get thicker, fuller, healthier hair. 

Vitamins Hair Loss List to Help Restore Hair Loss Thinning : (Niacin) 

Niacin is very helpful in reversing female hair loss due to the fact that it helps increase blood flow to the scalp.

Increasing blood flow to the scalp will help give your hair larger follicles as well as faster hair growth. Why? Because the blood will provide an extra supply of hair growth factors such as oxygen, and nutrients to your scalp which in turn helps stimulate stronger and faster hair growth on the scalp.  

Niacin for hair loss is also helpful in relaxing the nerves of the body. This is a very important factor due to stress being a common cause of women's female hair loss.

So niacin is a great supplement in helping to reverse female hair loss.

Vitamins Hair Loss List to Help Restore Hair Loss Thinning: (Biotin) 

Biotin vitamins are known to stimulate hair growth due to the fact that biotin vitamins help to build natural body proteins such as keratin which is what hair is made from. So biotin helps give you stronger thicker hair growth.

Some people may have experienced acne from taking too much of this vitamin in order to obtain faster hair growth so I recommend not to take too much of this vitamin if you break out in pimples. A small dose is all you need for hair growth and clear skin. 

Vitamins Hair Loss List to Help Restore Hair Loss Thinning: (Zinc)

Zinc is very important in restoring female hair loss.

Zinc deficiency may be causing the thinning of hair and in turn causing female hair loss.

One of the benefits of zinc is that it helps to keep hormone levels balanced.

Hormone imbalance is another reason for female hair loss such as in the cases of postpartum pregnancy hair loss and menopause hair loss. This is why zinc is so important to take for women's female hair loss problems and helps to restore women's hair.

Zinc is also known to help protect the protein structure in the hair follicles that help make the hair up in the first place. Zinc helps to prevent weak hair follicles from breaking off on your entire head, helping you to prevent female hair loss.

Vitamins Hair Loss List to Help Restore Hair Loss Thinning : (Iron)

Iron deficiency may be another reason for female hair loss. Iron helps to prevent hair fall, shedding and thinning by helping maximize a women's ability to grow hair.

You don't need too much of iron to see a difference.

You can even eat food that is rich in iron as a way to get it into your diet just enough to make a difference since it doesn't take much.

Foods rich in iron are spinach and black beans to name a few.


Vitamins Hair Loss List to Help Restore Hair Loss Thinning: (Horse Tail Extract) 

Horse tail may sound kind of funny due to it's name but it will help give you stronger, shinier hair as well as a silkier texture of hair too. Horse tail extract will also help give you strong bones and prettier nails too. 

Vitamins Hair Loss List to Help Restore Hair Loss Thinning: (Millet Seed Extract) 

Millet seed extract is another great nutrient in helping you get rid of female hair loss. Millet seed extract helps to strengthen hair follicles making your hair less prone to breakage and help to keep it stronger and healthier.

It is known that high cortisol levels in the body may be causing female hair loss. Millet seed extract helps your body regulate cortisol levels in the body due to the magnesium in the millet. 

Millet also helps reduce other known female hair issues such as psoriasis and dandruff. 

Millet is also known to help reduce the inflammation in the scalp area which may be causing the female hair loss in the first place. So millet will help you restore your scalps ability to produce proper hair growth.

Saw Palmetto 

DHT can cause female pattern baldness due to the hormone shrinking hair follicles.

Saw palmetto is known to help block the DHT hormone that causes hair loss in both men and women. So saw palmetto is known to potentially stop hair loss and help regrow your hair. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D and hair growth are very connected. In fact if you have a vitamin d deficiency this can cause hair loss.

Vitamin d is great for getting healthier thicker hair growth.

One of the reasons is because vitamin d is known to stimulate hair growth on dormant hair follicles which in turn can give you thicker healthier hair growth per square inch on your scalp.

Hair growth results before and after.Female Before & After Hair Growth Results From Using Vitamins


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist since 2003. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

GirlsHairTalk .com continues to help women's hair loss thinning with over 1 million+ visitors and counting! Thank You!


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