Vitamins for hair, skin and nails do they work?

by Margarite
(California )

The Best Vitamin Supplements for Hair Growth

The Best Vitamin Supplements for Hair Growth

There are many vitamin supplements to take for hair growth. Vitamin gummies are always fun to take although the do have sugar in them which isn't the healthiest choice but they are better than nothing at all.

I recommend vitamins that say for hair, skin and nails on the bottle because they really do help grow hair!

But brands usually have two different versions of hair, skin and nails vitamins one with less biotin and one with more biotin.

I recommend to take the bottle with the smaller dose of biotin in them.

The reason to take the smaller dose of biotin is because even though taking biotin vitamins helps with hair growth, taking too much biotin can cause major pimple breakouts. Check your skin as you are taking them.

If you are experiencing skin breakouts while taking biotin vitamins that could mean the biotin dose is too high for you.

~ Your friend Margarite, Cosmetologist & Hair Loss Specialist

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