Vegan Hair Loss What To Do?
How To
Go Vegan And Keep Your Hair?

Vegan Hair Loss

Can  Eating A Vegan Lifestyle Cause Vegan Hair Loss?

The reason why people are so concerned about losing their hair while eating a vegan diet is because vegans eat a plant based diet and no meat.

While meat plays an important role to get the amount of amino acids, protein, and iron from animal protein than you can't get from a head of lettuce makes people concerned about getting something called "vegan hair loss".  

Yes this can happen for people who do not eat a complete nutritious diet. I don't care what diet you choose as long as you make sure you get all the proper nutrients needed to sustain life into your body. 

For instance I once had a vegan friend who had gotten really sick after her baby was born and the doctor insisted she start eating eggs into her diet immediately to get the proper nutrients into her system. I know for a fact all she ate was salads, veggies and french fries yeah really healthy huh - NO! 

She was not eating a well rounded nutritious diet every day. 

What To Eat To Get The Proper Nutrients As A Vegan

Vegans have to understand nutrition and should take a class to fully understand how to get enough protein in their diet efficiently.

Your body requires protein as a building block for your organs to function properly and since your organs are your body's first priority in staying alive your hair takes last priority in sticking around. So whatever protein you do have in your body will be directed to your vital organs first and foremost.

Yes, the body God gave you is a magnificent one! 

I do suggest to eat eggs into your daily diet at least in order to have healthy shiny hair growth, but if you insist on being a vegan all you have to do is eat the following high protein & high iron vegan approved foods daily in your diet:

Foods To Eat In Your Vegan Diet:
To Avoid "Vegan Hair Loss"

    Vegan Shopping Snacks List ! 
  1. beans
  2. quinoa
  3. almonds
  4. chia seeds
  5. lentils
  6. nuts
  7. tofu
  8. beets
  9. spinach
  10. seeds
  11. kale
  12. chick peas and/or hummus
  13. watercress (this is a great one for a healthy lifestyle)

These food choices are great in keeping healthy hair and avoiding vegan hair loss. My brother is a bodybuilder and one of his go-to meals to eat when getting lean is beans, rice and veggies. This is a vegan meal that helps keep you healthy and strong. 

Remember to eat as many well rounded nutritious dishes as possible every day.

Please get plenty of advice from your doctor for more info. based on your specific needs. 

Other Reason For Hair Loss In Women

Other reasons for hair loss could be vitamin deficiency , pregnancy hair loss, lupus hair loss, see full causes of women's hair loss here.


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist since 2003. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

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