Temple Hair Loss On Sides
Of Female Women

Temple Hair Loss In Women

Temple hair loss in females can happen in their teens but that is rare. Mostly temple hair loss can happen to women at a later age such as in their 30's, 40's and 50's. 

Although hair loss at the temples can also happen in a women during her 20's as well.

The temple hair loss area is on the sides of the scalp behind your eyes between your ear and forehead area. 

The sooner you get the hair loss cause figured out the sooner you can act on stopping your hair loss. Stopping your thinning hair loss as soon as possible is extremely important because the sooner you stop it, the sooner you can prevent it from being permanent. You can get an appointment with a medical professional to get the proper diagnoses needed.

Temple Hair Loss Symptoms

You should know that just because your hair shed's this does not automatically mean that you are going to go bald. Normal hair shedding is about 100 hairs a day. Hair fall can occur while you are brushing your locks, washing your hair in the shower, or even grooming your hair into a hairstyle for the day. 

You should also realize that anything much more than 100 hairs a day should be concerning, and possibly become female hair loss. 

If that happens thinning hair can allow a female hair loss pattern to occur. This can be hair fall on the sides in the shape of a widow's peak which is a v-shape hair line.

Temple Hair Loss Causes

The causes of temple hair loss and hair fall thinning in women can be due to a number of conditions such as:

Temple Hair Loss Prevention And Treatment

There are many different ways to help prevent temple hair loss in women such as:

  • Avoid tugging and pulling on hair 
  • Avoid braided tight hair styles
  • Avoid hair extensions, as they usually tug on the hair when taking them out
  • Eat a healthy diet with omega 3's and protein
  • Use proper hair care when styling your hair
  • Avoid using heating tools on your hair and be gentle while hair brushing
  • Treatments can be done with minoxidil although people dislike the side effects in rogaine which is a minoxidil product. 

In Conclusion To Temple Hair Loss On The Sides Of Scalp

Please remember to stay calm as stressing will never help the situation. When women go through hair loss it is alot different than when men go through hair loss, as it effects women way more than men, that is for sure. 

Again I want to say do not, I repeat, do not wait to get a proper evaluation with a medical professional as to finding out what is causing your hair loss.The sooner the better in order to avoid permanent hair loss. This happens when the scalp creates scarring on the scalp, which in turn creates permanent hair loss over time. 

The good news is there are a ton of options now days that can help regrow your hair starting today!

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