Saw palmetto hair loss purposes comes from the extract of the fruit of the serenoa repens. Saw palmetto is a type of palm tree which grows in warm climates such as in the south-eastern coast of the United States.
Saw palmetto gets it's name from the leaves that it grows because they look like saw toothed leaves. Saw palmetto also grows pretty white flowers that end up producing the fruit which in turn is extracted and used for their medicinal properties.
Doctors recommended saw palmetto for hair loss when it was realized that saw palmetto stops testosterone in the body. Even though testosterone is considered a male hormone, women also have the hormone as well. I know, I am surprised as well!
When the hormones testosterone and type ll alpha reductase combine together, they form dihydrotestosterone also known as DHT in the body.
DHT is known to cause hair loss in males but surprising DHT could also cause female pattern baldness as well.
DHT can cause female pattern baldness due to the hormone shrinking hair follicles.
Saw palmetto is known to help block the DHT hormone that causes hair loss in both men and women.
Saw palmetto treatment was tested for benign prostatic hypertrophy as there is alot of known evidence of saw palmetto's use as a prostate treatment.
The Mayo Clinic gave saw palmetto an A rating for prostate issues. This means that there is strong scientific proof for the treatment of the prostate.
The two known uses for finasteride are to help with the treatment of enlarged prostates as well as for thinning hair loss.
The connection is that if saw palmetto works as a great prostate treatment then the assumption is that saw palmetto should work as a hair loss treatment too.
Although this has never been proven.
This is why the Mayo Clinic gives saw palmetto a C rating as a hair loss treatment.
The mayo clinic is quoted as saying that there is "unclear scientific evidence for this use."
Experts recommend 160 milligrams twice a day but please consider your doctor's opinion when taking saw palmetto. Even though saw palmetto is derived from a natural source it is still important to get your physicians advice before taking any new over the counter supplement. Tablet supplements are the most common type of saw palmetto form that people take to fight hair loss.
Saw palmetto is safe, yet it is not recommended for children, or pregnant and breastfeeding females. Side effects include light headaches and mild stomach pains or cramps. These stomach cramps can be non-existent if you take saw palmetto supplements with a meal.
Saw palmetto could cause thinning of blood in your body and excessive bleeding during surgery. So please let your doctor know of all the supplements that you are currently taking whether natural, over-the-counter or prescribed by a doctor when asked by a medical physician.
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