Normal Hair Loss Per Day 
How Much Hair Fall Is Normal?

The amount of normal hair loss per day that a woman might shed may vary based upon what she will be doing to her hair that day.

Let's take a look at what are the main ways that your hair can shed the most at, such as when you brush or comb your hair you will see more shedding every time you do so. 

Also when you wash, shampoo and condition your hair you will see the most hair shedding for any women out there whether they suffer from hair loss or not. 

I also share tips on how to avoid hair shed as much as possible. 

How Much Hair Fall Is Normal Hair Loss Per Day In The Shower When Washing Hair?

A person can shed up to 200 hairs when shampooing their hair on any given day. 

This is one of the reasons why I suggest not to wash, shampoo and condition your hair every single day. It is not necessary due to the fact that your hair and scalp can think it is not producing enough oil and will over produce an amount of oily on the scalp and hair when over washing, which can cause dandruff and ruin your scalp's P.H Balance causing further itchy scalp issues. 

So if your at the point where your scalp is already producing too much oil you can shampoo your hair a little less each week until you weaned your scalp from over-washing and it will start to produce a normal amount of oil production. 

A normal amount of times that you should shampoo & condition your hair is about 2 to 3 time's a week. 

How Much Hair Fall Is Normal Hair Loss Per Day When Brushing Hair?

The average person has between 90,000 to about 250,000 hairs on our head on average. 

When brushing our hair we can loose about 50 to 100 strands on a daily basis which is normal for everyone.

Yet hair loss in your hair brush might be more noticeable if your hair is longer than if someone had shorter hair due to the fact that longer hair looks like more in your hair brush because each individual strand is so long so that's why it looks like more. 

It is best not to over bush your hair too often throughout the day. If you do, use a wide tooth comb to avoid too much hair shed. Also there are more anti hair fall tips below.

How To Stop So Much Hair Loss Shedding In Your Hair Brush

Tips to avoid so much hair fall:

  1. ) Use a "wide tooth spaced hair brush" or "wide tooth spaced comb"
wide tooth spaced hair brush example
wide tooth spaced comb example

2.) Do not brush hair when wet because you can cause too much stretch and hair breakage snapping the hair off. Wait until hair is at least more than 60% to 75% dry before brushing or combing (the more dry the better.)

3.) Brush or comb in small sections gently.

4.) Use a leave-in conditioner to help detangle and protect hair from breakage. There are so many good one's out there. I can't suggest just one but I do suggest to look for ones with natural ingredients and one with no alcohol in it or that can cause dry hair and hair breakage. 

How Much Hair Fall Is Normal Hair Loss Per Day

On average when not shampooing or excessive hair brushing the average women or person can shed around 50 to 100 hairs a day. That is the normal amount. 

So yes shedding hair loss fall is completely normal for everybody.

When shampooing hair, it is normal to shed more on those wash days.

But remember when more than the average amount of hairs a day fall when you are not brushing, washing, shampooing and conditioning your hair suddenly becomes a problem of women's hair loss.

Other Female Hair Loss Causes

There are many hair loss causes in women such as having a baby, having PCOS, using hair spray or gel can also cause hair loss because it causes breakage and causes your hair follicles to be clogged which can cause hair loss. 

Using hot heating tools such as blow dryers, hot rollers, curling irons, flat irons on a daily bases can cause dry hair loss breakage and color fade.

Bleaching your hair can cause your hair to become very brittle due to the bleach eating your hair into a fragile state. 

Once you find out your female pattern hair loss cause you will be able to solve your hair loss issues a little easier.

See our list of female hair loss causes here.


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist since 2003. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

GirlsHairTalk .com continues to help women's hair loss thinning with over 1 million+ visitors and counting! Thank You!


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