Low iron and hair loss can very well be connected because of the fact that hair loss can be a sign of your body's overall health.
If you have been shedding more hair than you feel is normal maybe low iron is the cause, keep reading to find out how to avoid low iron hair loss.
There are plenty of medical experts who support the fact that there is a direct connection between hair loss and having low iron intake.
You have to remember that there are many different causes of female hair loss such as hormonal hair loss causes in women, pregnancy, or menopause. As well as scalp issues such as psoriasis that cause hair loss as well, Click here for my full list of hair loss causes that I update regularly with more information as needed.
So please know that just because you might be experiencing hair loss, don't just come to the conclusion that it is due to low iron when there are many causes, as listed above.
Yet, it is something to consider if you are experiencing female women's hair loss.
Case study 1 ) In the year 2003 a study was done with women who had suffered greatly from many different forms of hair loss, such as from androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, alopecia totalis and telogen effluvium who were compared to another group of women who did not suffer from hair loss at all.
Results showed that the women who suffered with alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia had much lower iron levels than those who did not have hair loss at all.
The iron levels of the women who had alopecia totalis and telogen effluvium did not have lower iron levels than those who didn't suffer from hair loss,
Case study 2 ) In the year 2007 5,110 women ages 35 to 60 participated in a study filled out a questionnaire answering questions regarding their hair loss as well as had their own iron levels tested.
The results came back that 59% of those 5,110 women did indeed have low iron levels.
We absorb iron in the food we eat.
Iron is a mineral that is needed for many important factors but it's most primary function is to make red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout our bodies.
If you feel weak and tired that may be a sign that your iron levels are too low and your body is not getting enough oxygen through the body.
Of course if you have reason to be a little tired take that into account as well and not take that as low iron deficiency.
It's best to get tested from a doctor.
Here are a list of reasons why a person may be low in iron:
If any of these symptoms cause you to wonder if your iron intake is too low you can have your doctor test you to find out if your levels are indeed too low or not with a blood test.
Once they find out if you are in fact low in iron they might prescribe an iron supplement for you to take in order to regulate your iron levels back to normal again. Best part is they can see how exact your iron levels are to give you an exact supplement amount that is personalized to your specific needs for a healthier you!
If your doctor does not feel you need to take iron supplements and suggests for you to simply just eat a few iron rich foods in your diet naturally, here are some suggestions your doctor might give you....
Foods rich in iron:
When your iron levels go back to normal you can expect your hair to take up to a year to get back to normal again.
This may take longer than a hair transplant but this is a natural way to get your hair back to normal and that takes time.
I recently had a yearly checkup at the Dr.'s office and when they checked my blood everything is fine except the Dr. said I needed to eat more Iron rich foods.
So I know how you feel if your Iron is low as well. I eat healthy such as baked skinless chicken, baked potatoes, broccoli, oatmeal and tuna.
But along with all those foods, I also added chopped raw onions in my meals where it made sense and I noticed a huge difference.
Onions help you absorb Iron. I also noticed that low iron levels can cause sleep issues and I couldn't believe how well I was sleeping while adding onions to my foods, wow such a difference!
I also added original Malt-O-Meal to my breakfast routine, to change it up once in a while from my usual oatmeal.
You see, Malt-O-Meal is high in Iron and with the iron levels back up in your body, your body will start to regulate itself again (if that is what the issue is).
Here is the Malt-O-Meal I buy:
For on-the-go Malt-O-Meal try their recipe on the side of the box! Mmmm good!
So like I said make sure you get your blood work done to see which vitamins or minerals you need to replenish in order to see hair growth.
You should start to see hair growth after 6 months to a year from replenishing the vitamins needed after your blood work is completed.
UPDATE!!!! Make sure you eat enough fiber because Malt-O-Meal does not have enough fiber.
Muffin Variations:
Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist since 2003. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤
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