Justin Bieber Hair Loss
What Happened?

Justin Bieber Hair Loss, What Happened?

Justin Bieber Hair Loss First Who Is He?

Justin Drew Bieber is a famous pop star, singer, songwriter and owns the clothing brand, Drew. He is also of Christian faith. He was born in Canada in 1994. 

How did he get his start?:

In 2007, Justin entered a local singing competition at the age of 12 years old and won 3rd place!

His mother decided to post clips of the singing contest onto youtube for her friends and family to see.

Once his videos were online, American record executive Scooter Braun came across the video below and essentially discovered Justin on youtube. Scooter also later became his manager. 

Justin Singing

The Song "Sick by Ne-yo" 

In That Competition, Before He Was Famous:

Very nice! Justin started out famous from a very young age.

He was even known for his lovely hair when he was younger. Although times have changed.

Justin Bieber Hair Loss: Is He Losing His Hair?

Is Justin Bieber going to be bald? Well his hair line does seem to be receding throughout the years in a very noticeable way. 

How Early Can Hair Loss Occur In A Person?: Justin Bieber Hair Loss

Depending on the particular hair loss issue, hair loss can happen at any age. Even though hair loss occurs mostly with older adult age groups.

Even healthy young men as early as their late teens can deal with hair loss too!

Justin Bieber has alot stacked up against him for a recipe of hair loss issues, as you will see mentioned in this article.

Before, During And After His Hair Loss Timeline

I will walk you through the probable causes for his hair loss throughout the years.

Traction Alopecia: Justin Bieber Hair Loss

Justin Bieber's hair loss problems could possibly be due to his tight hair styles. Daily tight pony tails, tight braids, and tight dreadlocks can cause hair loss. 

Hair loss due to tight hairstyles is called traction alopecia. It can be reversed but it must be addressed soon enough in order for it to regrow back on it's own.

If he stops the continued tight hairstyles and tight fitted hats that he often wears, then that will help alot with his hair regrowth. 

Hair Thinning From Bleaching: Justin Bieber Hair Loss

Justin Bieber's hair loss may also be due to the constant bleaching of his hair.

He has medium to light brown hair naturally and while bleaching his hair constantly to have light blonde hair can cause hair loss due to the hair strands getting weaker through each process. 

Stripping away his natural hair color from bleaching is what can cause bleaching hair loss. 

Bleached hair can get very dry and brittle and simply break anywhere along the hair strand from roots to ends.

Basically the strands of hair can break off wherever the strands are the weakest.

To help prevent this from happening, you must use deep conditioning treatments weekly. Doing so will help build up the hair and strengthen the hair strands in order to avoid and prevent future hair loss breakage after bleaching and coloring the hair.

Genetic Hair Loss: Justin Bieber Hair Loss

Justin Bieber & His Father, Jeremy Bieber

Justin Bieber's hair loss may also be due to genetics. Genetic hair loss can come from either side of the family, it's just a roll of the dice. I did notice his dad always wears a hat in almost every picture I could find except at his wedding. 

So I suspect Justin has hair loss due to possibly his father. 

For this type of hair loss it is a bit harder to fix but possible. Minoxidil is known to help with hereditary hair loss although the side effects are a bit dangerous.

Even if over-the-counter minoxidil works for you please be aware that you must use it every day for life as directed or you will lose your hair suddenly all over again. 

Stress Related Thin Hair:
Justin Bieber Hair Loss

Another reason that Justin might have hair loss could be due to stress.

Stress related hair loss is a real thing. When stress happens your body's hormones can cause your hair follicles to go into a “resting” phase. When this happens you can't produce new hair strands but can still shed some of the hair you do have, which causes hair loss. 

It's very possible that Justin could suffer from stress.

In fact, Justin Bieber once revealed that he relies on the Havening massage technique to relax when life throws difficult situations at him.

A Probable Justin Bieber Hair
Loss Treatment For Hair Growth

Rollercoaster magazine (a luxury teen-fashion magazine) interviewed Justin Bieber when he was just 18 years old at the time where he discussed Prince Williams hair loss.

In the interview Justin Bieber is quoted as saying: "I mean, there are things to prevent that nowadays, like Propecia," Justin says. "I don't know why he doesn't just get those things, those products. You just take Propecia and your hair grows back. Have you not got it over here?"

Which leads most people to speculate that Justin may very well use hair loss medication in order to fix his hair loss problems. Due to the fact that he knew about that particular product at such a young age. 

How To Fix Thinning Hair:
Justin Bieber Hair Loss

Justin Bieber Hair Loss, Before & After

My best advice is to find out what is causing your hair loss as there are many reasons and causes big and small to allow hair loss to occur. 

I am confident that his hair loss would be way worse than it is if he did nothing at all to help fix it. 

Prolonging hair loss treatment can cause the hair loss problem to just get worse and worse.

Also the bald scalp areas can get scarred over which can lead to permanent hair loss. When that happens you would need something stronger than just an easy over-the-counter-ointment to recover your hair loss. 

What is it you ask?

To get hair transplant surgery, which can cost anywhere between $5,000 - to $20,000 US dollars.

So please handle your hair loss ASAP for the fastest and speediest recovery possible.

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