Why Is Jacob Batalon Bald,
What Happened?

Why Is Jacob Batalon Bald?Why Is Jacob Batalon Bald?

Why Is Jacob Batalon Bald, What Happened?
First Who Is He?

Jacob Batalon was born in Honolulu Hawaii on October 9, 1996 to his Filipino Parents.

Jacob is best known for acting as the role; Ned Leeds in the action films: 

  • Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
  • Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

All three of these movies he was in are 3 of the top 10 highest grossing movies of all time!

Why Is Jacob Batalon Bald SpiderManWhy Is Spider-Man Actor Jacob Batalon Bald?

Is Jacob Batalon Bald From Cancer?

People ask if Jacob is bald from cancer due to his hair loss and his sudden weight loss so people ask with concern.

The truth is no, Jacob does not have cancer but did decide to lose weight suddenly.

This was due to his health issues of feeling tired on the set of his spider man acting roles as well as not being able to catch his breath while simply walking up a flight of stairs.

The moment he finally decided to change his bad eating habits was when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror with his shirt off. 

He said "It was just ridiculous. I can't believe I let myself get this far, so that's what sorta started it all."

So in 2020 Jacob hired a personal trainer to help him eat healthier and had created an exercise routine for the actor to better himself and to lose wight while feeling better. 

He lost 112 pounds due to Jacob’s gym time routine which consisted of a 90 minute workout of 6 days a week. The first hour is devoted to weights and the last half hour he does consists of cardio.

Why Is Jacob Batalon Bald, What Happened?

People are also concerned as to why Jacob has suddenly lost all of his hair?

The truth is, his hair loss is due to him having a condition called alopecia. Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss.

Alopecia affects as many as 6.8 million people in the U.S. alone.

Jocob appears to wear very high-end, realistic wig(s) during some of his acting roles to make it appear as if he has real hair.

So it's not that he suddenly lost his hair but he simply takes off his wig. Wearing a wig all of the time can cause a person to feel hot especially outside in the sun or hot lights on set. 

So he must probably take his wig off to feel more comfortable when promoting movies as such.

How To Treat Alopecia:
Jacob Batalon Bald

Unfortunately there is no "official cure" for alopecia although there are treatments that can be done in order to help the hair grow, such as using essential oils directly on to top of the scalp to help grow the hair more quickly. 

There is also a great treatment that helps alopecia patients grow hair called low level red light therapy device. 

Red light therapy for the scalp is also known as red light laser therapy to help produce hair growth in a natural way, that is scientifically proven to treat genetic forms of hair loss called androgenetic alopecia.

Red light laser scalp treatments are very sought after for hair growth due to the fact that they have zero side effects and have a high percentage rate of success!

The treatments can be done in the privacy of your own home for as little as 6 minutes a day!

We really admire Jacob for not letting his skin disease, alopecia get into his way of him living a very successful life! 

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