Hormones And Hair Loss

How Are Hormones And Hair Loss Connected?

Hormones and hair loss are connected only when the hormones are imbalanced.

The truth is hormones and hair loss go together when the hormones are imbalanced hormones, it's only then when hormones and hair loss go hand and hand. 

When your hormones are in normal range, it's only then when your hair growth will be back to normal and you will get back your thicker, stronger hair and get regrowth.

What Causes Female Hair Loss?

The truth is the root cause of female hair loss is due to having imbalanced hormones.

The main hormone that is causing your hair loss thinning is called the DHT hormone.

You might have heard of this hormone before but for those who haven't let me explain.

DHT is a byproduct hormone produced by the hormone testosterone. Women have testosterone in their body because it is needed but we just don't have as much as men do.

In fact every person needs both estrogen and testosterone hormones except men are naturally born with more testosterone and less estrogen and women are naturally born with more estrogen and less testosterone.   

Testosterone helps keep your muscles and bones healthy and strong.

Unfortunately when your hormones are imbalanced the DHT hormone can cause hair loss in women because the DHT hormone will shrink the hair follicles until they die and stop growing. 

What Causes Imbalanced Hormones And Hair Loss

There are many factors to your body for having imbalanced hormones, including but not limited to the following:

Do You Have Imbalanced Hormones And Hair Loss?

Is a hormone imbalance hurting your overall health?

Are your hormones causing acne, facial hair, or hair loss?

If so you could have a hormone imbalance.

Do you struggle with lack of libido, mood swings, hair loss, acne, insomnia, weight gain or loss, digestive problems, joint pain, and or depression?

Hormones affect all of these and more.

That’s why it’s so important to take care of our bodies and hormones, and get things in the right balance.

We can manage our hormones...but first we have to learn how!

Hormone imbalances affect 1 in 3 women!

Just some hormone imbalance symptoms include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Hair Loss
  • Hair Thinning
  • Bald Spots
  • Hair falling out suddenly
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Intense food cravings and binge eating
  • Headaches
  • Crying episodes/mood swings including anger and frustration
  • Confusion and brain fog
  • Not wanting to leave the house
  • Social anxiety
  • Inability to get warm at night and often cold hands and feet during day - easily chilled
  • Inability to fully empty bladder, especially at night before bed
  • Joint pain, sometimes immobilizing
  • Extreme exhaustion and muscle pain
  • Low libido
  • Bloating
  • Acne

You can feel healthy once again and fix so many of these hormonal imbalance issues!

Once you fix the hormone problem you can get rid of your hormone imbalance symptoms too! 


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist since 2003. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

GirlsHairTalk .com continues to help women's hair loss thinning with over 1 million+ visitors and counting! Thank You!


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