Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys
DIY Last Minute Ideas!

Halloween Costumes For Bald GuysHalloween Costumes For Bald Guys

So, you're looking for Halloween costumes for bald guys that you can put together in time for Halloween, you definitely came to the right place!

These Halloween costumes for bald guys are mostly DIY Halloween costume ideas to put together yourself.

Do-it-yourself Halloween costumes are my favorite to see and do! 

Far too many people just buy a generic costume at the Halloween store these days.

But I understand, doing that is fast and easy to do, but do you really want to end up at the same party wearing the same exact costume that someone else has on?

I mean, how can you win first prize doing that?

I personally know a guy who always wins 1st place at a Halloween party every single year!

He always makes his Halloween costume from scratch. Basically he puts as many homemade details into his costume as possible! 

The little and big details of your costume matter if you want to win!

Mind you, he will take a few weeks finding the details into putting it all together but he never buys a costume at the store and he always wins 1st place!

Winning people over with your Halloween costume isn't all about being "loud" visually it's more about the tiny details as well as the big details, to match the person you are trying to be as much as possible.

I understand some of you probably just want to go without trying to enter a competition but either way, whether you want to win in your Halloween contest or not, here are some cool ideas to play around with to have a good time with your friends on Halloween night! 

Although, these Halloween costumes for bald guys can give you ideas to possibly win a prize at your local Halloween party, if you try hard enough!

Here are some super easy Halloween costumes for bald guys that are last minute ideas that you can DIY!

In no particular order here they are..

Mike Tyson ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

mike tyson
mike tyson tattoo

Face Makeup:

Iron Mike Tyson is my favorite fighter! What makes this Halloween costume so distinctive is his face tattoo.

It's a must-have to draw his tattoo on your face.

You can use black Halloween face paint or you could use a black eye liner pencil from your sister's, wife's, or girlfriend's makeup bag.

Plus if your lucky enough they can even help draw it on for you because it's a little tricky to do it yourself while looking in the mirror.

It's simply easier if someone else does it for you because the mirror just make it a little bit more difficult.

Clothes Outfit:

With Mike Tyson you can basically wear whatever you want.

Due to the chilly weather, I don't recommend being shirtless and wearing some boxing shorts.

I do recommend wearing a grey sweatsuit outfit with  some comfortable tennis shoes and some boxing gloves tied together that can be hung over your shoulder. That's something he usually likes to wear while training!

Another outfit idea is wearing a Mike Tyson shirt. 

Or you could even wear a suit with a wad of fake cash fanned out in your hand. 

The possibilities are endless when it comes to what to wear when dressing like Mike Tyson.


Just have fun with it! If you really want to be crazy funny, find a fake ear at the Halloween store and go around saying to your friends "Have you seen Evander Holyfield? I have his ear!" LOL

Here are some other funny things you can say at the Halloween party:

  • "Let's play it by ear"
  • "That was an earful"
  • "In one ear and out the other"
  • "I'm up to my ears in..." (Fill in the blank with the situation) 

That way you can change up the ear jokes and say them to your friends a little here and there! 

For those that don't know, Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear during a fight on June 28, 1997.

As horrible as that was that he did that, it's now an ongoing joke about Mike Tyson. He has since apologized for that incident. 

Voice (Optional):

Mike Tyson is a fun character to be for Halloween! If you can practice imitating his voice just a little bit and talk like him at the party, you will be the life of the Halloween party!  

This video below is a quick recap (15 sec) Mike Tyson impression to give you an idea of how to imitate his voice!

Basically he has a high pitched voice. So don't worry too much if you don't sound exactly like him.

Just say a few words about some boxing fight tips in a high pitched voice and you should get some big laughs with your friends! 

Uncle Fester ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

uncle fester

Face Makeup:

White Halloween make-up on face and black makeup around the eyes are sure tail signs that you are uncle fester! For the black part you can use black eye shadow or black eye pencil.

Clothes Outfit:

Uncle fester is known to wear a long black coat with black pants and black shoes. So you will be super warm in this outfit, which is a plus considering how cool it usually is on Halloween night.


You don't really need any props, which makes this Halloween costume even easier to DIY last minute for any Halloween party!

Mr. Clean ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

mr clean
mr clean

Face Makeup:

All you need is white makeup for your eyebrows and that is it! Easy!

Clothes Outfit:

All he wears is a white t-shirt that is plain with white pants, white socks and white shoes! After all he is Mr. clean, so that's why he wears all white I suppose!


I would maybe print out the "Mr. Clean" logo and tape it on your shirt just to be super crystal clear who you are.

Rapper Tupac Shakur ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys


Face Makeup:

The only make-up that I can possibly think of for Tupac is for a goatee. He always had goatee facial hair. But it's not a necessary iconic trait of his, I will talk about that in a second. 

Clothes Outfit:

What is absolutely necessary is wearing Tupac Shakur's iconic bandana! He usually wore a blue one seen in his picture. This is a must have portion of his look. 

He also favored wearing gold chain necklaces around his neck almost all of the time! 

As far as outfits go he usually dressed in baggy jeans and baggy tops such as jean jackets and jerseys as that was the look of the 90's. 

As far as shoes go, Pac always chose to wear white shoes. He did seem to change up the brand of shoes he liked to wear. I seen him wear Nike or Fila but whichever shoe he wore he always chose white ones no matter the color of his outfit, I noticed. 


For props Tupac was a very, very flashy man. He always flashed his cash around. So fake cash to fan out would bring out Pac's character for sho! 

As I mentioned before Pac was a flashy guy so he loved to wear jewelry including a stud nose ring in his left nostril. They have fake magnetic ones out there that you could wear to get the full Tupac look! 

Floyd Mayweather ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

the money team
floyd mayweather

Face Makeup:

None is needed, so that's a plus! 

Clothes Outfit:

You can wear anything but wearing his own clothing line would be best!

His clothing line is called TMT which stands for The Money Team.

You can find his official gear over at themoneyteam.com. He always promotes his own clothing line by wearing it usually most of the time. 


Fake cash! And lots of it! Or a little bit of it. Either way you gotta have fake cash in large bills as a prop for his costume!! A must-have! As that's what he is known to flash around all the time!

Michael Jordan ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

Michael Jordan

Face Makeup:

None needed.

Clothes Outfit:

You got to wear his #23 Chicago Bulls Jersey! That is a must-have! Oh boy and I know his shoes are expensive but if you got them, wear them!

Because people might clown you if your Michael Jordan for Halloween and don't got the Jordan shoes on your feet!

Unfair? Yes! But I'm just trying to politely warn you to avoid being the butt of jokes at your local Halloween party. 

I want you to have a great time! 


You need a basketball to bring the whole look together in my opinion. That fortunately is easy to find! You could pick one up at any sporting goods store near you or even at Walmart! 

George Costanza ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

george costanza
george costanza name tag

Face Makeup:

None needed. 

Clothes Outfit:

Good 'Ole George is mostly seen wearing a plaid button down shirt, khaki pants, with sneakers! Even though he dresses pretty normal than as a specific character, I recommend to have an item on you that reads "Vandelay Industries". 

It could be written on a notebook that says "Vandelay Industries Employee Manual". A printed out logo taped to your shirt in the upper corner.

Oh! Or you could wear a sticker name tag on your shirt that says George Costanza Marine Biologist or whatever job you want to that he is known for saying.

To jog some ideas here are some jobs George had and / or lied about! LOL

Yankees assistant, Vandelay Industries, marine biologist, bra salesman, sitcom writer, hand model and architect to name a few!

You can even write frogger champion on his name tag! The possibilities are endless with him! True fans will know exactly who you are for Halloween and trust me he has alot!


I would say thin round framed glasses is a must-have! Try finding some cheap reading glasses at the dollar store and take out the glass part to complete the look!

Shaquille O'Neal ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys


Face Makeup:

None needed.

Clothes Outfit:

A must-have is to wear his Los Angeles Lakers #34 Jersey! With some jeans and he always wore his own line of Shaquille o'neal basketball shoes whenever he played!


A basketball would absolutely complete the look! 

Steve Harvey ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

Steve Harvey

Face Makeup:

OK, for Steve Harvey all you need to do for face makeup is to add his iconic mustache, wear a fake one, or real one!

Clothes Outfit:

You need a suit 100%! He is always known for wearing suits and is hardly seen wearing anything else but suits! 


The best prop to have is a Family Feud card! You can make your own, it doesn't have to be fancy it could be an index card with writing on the back of it that reads The Family Feud!  This prop is important in order for people to know who you are. 

You can even go up to people at the party and ask them funny questions! You can be the life of the party!

Dana White Or Joe Rogan ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

Dana White

These two guys are both bald, both wear ufc shirts and both talk into ufc microphones for their jobs. So it's completely up to you which one you choose to say you are!

Face Makeup:

None needed.

Clothes Outfit:

A UFC shirt and some jeans. They are pretty simple men. 


A fake or toy microphone.

You could get some paper and write UFC to tape to the mic.

If you're Dana White you can pretend you are talking during a press conference as he is known to do.

Or if you're Joe Rogan you can use a microphone to pretend you are interviewing fighters right after their fight. 

If you wanted to be Joe Rogan you can also wear a Joe Rogan podcast shirt to be a bit more distinctive as well!

Charlie Brown ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys


Face Makeup:

Optional - but you could draw one curly hair on your forehead like he does.

Clothes Outfit:

A yellow shirt and black shorts. Although due to the cool weather I totally recommend to put on black pants or long shorts so you can keep warm. Plus yellow socks and black shoes. 


This costume is super easy! As far as props go I recommend adding black duck tape to create the zig zag line around the lower part of the yellow shirt! 

In Conclusion ~ Halloween Costumes For Bald Guys

I hope these Halloween costumes for bald guys has been helpful to you and yours!

My sister would have a fun Halloween party every year and it was a great time. She since moved to a different state and doesn't  have them anymore.

I love those times together and will cherish those memories we spent together forever!

She would have plenty of food where you could serve yourself from food platters.

We would also have raffles to win prizes too! So for people who didn't wear a costume at the party, they could still have a chance to possibly win prizes too, to make sure everyone had a great time! 

So just enjoy yourself with your loved ones and Happy Halloween!

Please take a look around my site for ways to grow hair if you are interested in doing so! As well as celebrity hair loss articles to read here! 

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