Hair Transplant, Cost, Recovery, Side Effects, Questions Answered 

What Is A Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is performed by either a plastic surgeon or a dermatological surgeon. They will remove hair from one area of your head and transplant hair to where it is needed.

Typically they will get the hair that is the strongest which is usually in the back of the head and relocate the hair to transplant to the front of the hair line.  

A hair transplant will usually be performed in a medical office under local anesthesia which means they will typically numb the area, so that you won't feel any pain during the procedure. 

Causes of hair loss can be due to: 

What Types Of Hair Transplant Procedures Are There?

There are two different types of hair transplant procedures:

  • Slit grafts 
  • Micrografts

A slit grafts procedure contains around 4 to 10 hairs per graft transplant and a micrograft is typically around 1 to 2 hairs per graft transplant.  

Who Can Benefit From A Hair Transplant?

Both men and women can benefit from a hair transplant but a good candidate for the transplant procedure is someone who has one of the following:

  • Male pattern baldness clients
  • Female thinning hair loss clients
  • Clients with hair loss from a burn or scalp injury 

People who are not good candidates for the transplant are:

  • People who have scars on the scalp area
  • Women who have major hair thinning on all areas of the scalp
  • People who have no areas on the scalp for the doctor to get healthy hair follicles from in order to transplant

How Much Does A Hair Transplant Cost?

A hair transplant can cost anywhere between $5,000 to $15,000. Your insurance will most likely not pay for the transplant due to it being considered a cosmetic procedure to the insurance companies. 

The cost of a hair transplantation can vary due to many different factors including but not limited to:

  • The location of the hair procedure such as city, state, and country
  • The type of procedure you want: There are just two types of hair transplant options: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Each has a different cost.
  • The amount of hair that is being transplanted: Everyone is different, some might need more hair transplanted than others depending on how large or small the bald spot is

Other cost factors include:

  • Medication after the transplant procedure: The doctor will prescribe medicine to you to reduce the risk of an infection

What Are The Hair Transplant Complications?

The complications that can happen from a hair loss transplant are:

  • Bruising surrounding the eye area
  • Scalp swelling
  • Crust around the areas where the hair was removed and transplanted
  • Numbness around the affected scalp areas
  • Itching on scalp areas
  • Bleeding
  • Infection

How Long Is The Hair Transplant Recovery?

Usually effected areas should be cleared within a few weeks after the scalp procedure.

Usually a person can be back at work after about 4 to 5 days of having it done. Some people can start work even sooner than that and can return to work after only 2 days of having the transplant.

Within 2 to 3 weeks after the surgery the transplanted hair will fall out but don't worry this is normal. You will see permanent hair growth start to sprout after about 3 to 6 months time. 

What Is The Hair Transplant Success Rate?

The success rate is extremely high at 98%, if done properly by the right doctor I suggest hair club if you want it done correctly! They do fabulous jobs. 

It's extremely important to find a highly qualified, skilled physician to transplant your hair so that you can be in that 98% success rate statistic and that will also ensure your hair will look as natural as possible.  

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