Hair Loss After Pregnancy, Cause,Treatments To Regrow Hair Fast!

Women holding her baby smiling at the beach in front of the water.Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Is Postpartum Hair Loss Normal?

Yes hair loss after pregnancy is very normal. 95% of females are experiencing hair loss due to hormonal changes such as from pregnancy and menopause.

The statistics of hair loss after pregnancy effect 40% to 50% of women according to source american pregnancy.

Even people that start off with very thick hair growth can experience hair loss after they give birth to their baby. So don't worry and think that you are alone in this postpartum hair loss issue, in fact you are even more normal to experience this than not to.

Is Hair Loss After Pregnancy Temporary? 

Yes! The good news is yes, hair loss after pregnancy is very temporary. You should only experience your postpartum hair loss for about a year and a few months after your baby is born. So rest assured it will not last forever. So please don't stress out about what you are going through because that may just help to elongate the hair loss even further.  

What Causes Hair Loss After Pregnancy?

When you are pregnant, the production of estrogen is increased, which prolongs the anagen phase in the hair growth cycle. Because of the extra long hair growth phase during pregnancy, many women experience longer, thicker hair growth during that time.

Longer, thicker hair growth is definitely great news except after the baby is born the women's estrogen hormone levels drop.

The drop in estrogen levels will cause the hair to go into the telogen phase of the hair growth cycle.

The telogen hair growth phase is when the hair follicle sheds and falls out.

The telogen hair growth phase will last up to 3 to 4 months. 

Postpartum women may experience a prolonged level of this phase in their hair due to all of the hormonal changes being made by your body contributing to their female hair loss and hair thinning.    

This is what causes female hair loss after pregnancy.

A Normal Hair Growth Cycle   

There are 3 stages of hair growth, the Anagen stage, the Catagen stage and the Telogen stage. Each stage does something different to help hair grow. 

  • Stage 1: The Anagen stage - The anagen phase is when the hair follicles are actually growing. This stage lasts about 3 to 5 years long.

  • Stage 2: The Catagen stage - The hair growth process actually stops growing temporarily and rests at this point during the catagen phase of hair growth. This stage of phase lasts about 1 to 2 weeks.

  • Stage 3: The Telogen stage - This phase is the one nobody hardly enjoys it's called the telogen hair growth phase, it's this hair growth phase when the hair follicle sheds and falls out. The telogen hair growth phase lasts about 3 to 4 months. Postpartum women may experience a prolonged level of this phase in their hair, contributing to their female hair loss and hair thinning.    

The good news is the hair will go back to being stage 1 again, which is the anagen hair growth phase and your hair will start to grow back again once the cycle is complete.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy Tips

  • Having a short hair cut after pregnancy may not always be an easier hair care option due to the fact that you will have to style it more often. This will depend on the natural texture of your hair. In most cases the hair being longer may in fact be the easier option because you can do a pretty loose braid plus that option will have your hair out of your face while taking care of your baby. 

  • Buying a pretty hair clip might make your feel better than cutting off your hair.

  • Do not style your hair too tight in a pony tail or into a tight braid. loose hair styles are best because if you tie your hair too tightly you might start to get traction alopecia hair loss and that is the last thing that you would want.

  • Don't stop breastfeeding because you heard that makes hair loss worse, not enough studies have been done to know for sure and your baby needs your breast milk to have a good immune system. 

Hair Loss After Pregnancy Hair Growth Rate

It will definitely take time to see your normal hair thickness fully return. Your female pattern hair loss will start to grow back to it's normal hair growth cycle after the telogen phase is completed. 

Hair Grows at a rate of 1/2 inch per month so it may take more than a year to see your pre-pregnancy head of hair fully restored.

The average hair growth rate can increase with natural hair growth vitamin supplements.  

Keeping your hair away from heat in your hair care morning routine can also help give you stronger and healthier hair growth.


Hello beautiful! I'm Margarite, the creator and owner of this site. I'm also a licensed Cosmetologist since 2003. I am writing this site for you with knowledge and love!❤ 

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