Do Steroids Cause Hair Loss? Hair Loss Tips

Do steroids cause hair loss?

Steroids can cause massive hair loss especially in women due to the body generating high levels of DHT.

DHT is a hormone derived from testosterone which causes hair loss.

So yes, it is quite simple, steroids do cause hair loss in women and men.

Steroids may help you reach gold medals and top spots in athletic events but is it worth your health?

Alot of athletes use steroids to help them achieve their goals.

Only problem is the health issues aren't worth it in the long run.

I'm all for living as healthy as possible while still treating yourself from time to time but you can do better in life without steroid use!

If you notice there are some very famous body builders out there who became action stars in the 90's (I won't mention any names) one of them has a kid who is into bodybuilding. Except you can tell his kid does not take any steroids at all.

I believe he advised his child not take steroids and would say the same to you too!

I also believe anyone on steroids secretly admire people who train and does not take steroids!

By doing it the right way even if they take third or even fourth place, really they are first place in the eyes of the truth!

Good luck in your health journey!

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