Is there a connection between diabetes and hair loss?
You might be surprised by the answers that I will discuss with you today.
Let's dig deeper and find out if diabetes can cause hair loss and if so, how and what can be done to help the situation?
Plus learn some treatment options to be better informed on this issue!
According to statistics about 24% of people with diabetes do not know that they have it.
Also according to the National Diabetes Statistics show that there are 29.1 million Americans with diabetes but only 21 million people know that they have it, the rest do not know that they have diabetes at all.
Statistics show that 90% of diabetics have Type 2 diabetes.
Thinning hair loss in women can quite possibly mean that you could have two other issues besides hair loss such as pre-diabetes and or insulin resistance.
When a woman has insulin resistance this can mean that you might have pre-diabetes. These issues can lead to type 2 diabetes.
If insulin levels in your blood stay high over a long period of time then your body will start to develop insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance is a hard issue to reverse because of dealing with further complications such as high blood pressure.
It's because of this vicious cycle that insulin levels in your body will start to increase over time and a heavier weight gain can just make things even harder to handle to reign in and maintain.
Due to insulin resistance women can start to see a change in their hair, such as hair loss or a thinning head of hair.
Diabetes mean that the Insulin levels in the body are not working properly.
Insulin is a hormone in your body that helps the body distribute the carbohydrates that you eat in a healthy manner.
The foods that you eat create blood sugar in your body then the insulin hormone moves those sugars that are created from the foods you ate to the bloodstream, that's where they are either stored for later or used as energy immediately depending on what food you ate.
The issue people with diabetes have is that their bodies do not produce this hormone insulin or that their bodies don't distribute their insulin properly or both.
When sugar levels build up in the bloodstream, issues can occur such as damage to the kidney's, eyes, blood vessels and nerves in the human body.
The different types of diabetes are called type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes happens due to the immune system attacking the pancreas. The pancreas develops insulin which means that the body can no longer produce insulin and help to regulate blood sugars in a healthy manner.
Type 2 Diabetes happens due to the pancreas not making enough of the proper amount of the hormone insulin that help distribute the right amount of blood sugar in the body.
Causes of diabetes can happen from eating the wrong foods that could make things worse such as a constant source of high sugary foods and not exercising.
Although you can do the right things to reverse diabetes and manage it such as by exercising, managing your weight and making healthier food choices. So there is hope!
These are the top reasons that can cause hair loss. Diabetes and hair loss causes can be complicated so please make sure to see your doctor for definite answers on this subject.
This list is hopefully helpful in learning the reasons of how females can get hair loss including diabetes related hair loss issues.
These are just a few reasons hair loss is caused in females see other hair loss causes here.
Home > Female hair loss causes > Diabetes and hair loss
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