Crown Hair Loss
Causes And Treatment

Women's hair loss thinning on top of head.Crown Hair Loss Help

Many women with crown hair loss are suffering in silence and keep it a secret even with their closest friends and family members. 

Even though women think they are alone that is actually not the case in fact 5% of women under 30 years old and 60% of those older than 70 years old are affected by female crown hair loss according to Mary Gail Mercurio, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y.

The longer a women waits to fix her hair loss the worse it will become and if she waits too long the hair loss can become permanent. So the sooner she can fix it the best possible chance of her not having permanent damage of hair loss.

Female Pattern Hair Loss At The Crown

Chart of female thinning hair loss stages.Female Pattern Hair Loss Stages Chart

Female pattern hair loss at the crown is pictured above. This happens when the hair part is thinning at the top of the head. Female Hair thinning at the crown or top of the head can widen the middle hair part slowly.

The crown hair loss will widen and get bigger and become more noticeable as time goes on. 

This hair loss tends to sneak up on women slowly and only becomes more severe and worse if not treated right away. 

Female pattern hair thinning can also happen at different areas on the scalp such as in situations of:

Common Reasons And Causes Of Crown Hair Loss In Women

Crown hair loss in women can be caused by genetics and inherited from either the mother or father's side of the family. Genetic female pattern hair loss is also called androgenetic alopecia.

Androgenetic alopecia hair loss can start as early as in a young girl's teen years. The earlier the hair loss begins the more severe it tends to become later on and seems not to go away on it's own.  

Other female hair loss causes can be from imbalanced hormones.

There are a whole list of reasons and causes of female crown hair loss such as menopause, pregnancy and even vitamin deficiency

Treatment Options For Crown Hair Loss

Crown hair loss on females is usually treated using a topical medication such as minoxidil.

Minoxidil is the most common over the counter drug store medication to treat hair loss in women. The most popular ones I found are by:

  • Rogaine
  • Keranique

Minoxidil is approved by the FDA. What this means is that the FDA found minoxidil to be proven to work by rigorous tests. 

Unfortunately, not many, but few people have experienced side effects when taking minoxidil such as rash or light dizziness. 

Also you should know that the ingredient minoxidil might not work for your type of hair loss you can find out if Rogaine works for you here. 

Although if generic minoxidil or Rogaine does work for you please take note that you must take the product for the rest of your life. 

The reason you have to use Rogaine or minoxidil for the rest of your life is because if you stop using any product with minoxidil in it, your hair will lose all the hair that you grew while using the product plus you will lose all the hair you would have lost during the time spent using the product. 

So please be forewarned if the product rogaine or generic minoxidil works for you and you are consistent with it, you will be a happy customer.

Minoxidil works by prolonging the hair growth phase which is called the Anagen phase. It will take 3 to 4 months to see a change where you actually will start to notice hair growth.

Other treatments include:

  • hair transplants when the hair is transplanted from one area of your scalp to the other.
  • hair loss medications for hair loss regrowth
  • nutritional hair loss nutrition is a big part of the way your body gets it's vitamins and minerals from and is extremely helpful to stimulate your hair growth cycle. 
  • hair loss shampoo which is something you need to use anyway so it might as well be one to help fight hair loss. 
  • natural hair loss treatments help you grow your hair back naturally, without any side effects that you get from using over-the-counter solutions from the drugstore.

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