Alexyoumazzo Hair Loss
What Happened?

Alexyoumazzo Hair Loss What Happened?

Who is Alexyoumazzo?

Alexyoumazzo is a social media star, mainly known from the platform Tik Tok. She currently has over 6 million Tik Tok followers and over 200 million likes across her videos on her page and growing! 

Her real name is Alex Youmazzo.

Her content consists of dance videos and lip syncing videos along side her family and friends. 

People ask if Alexyoumazzo has cancer due to her bald head but no she does not. Alex was born July 5, 2000 which makes her zodiac sign a cancer only. She was born in the United States. 

Alexyoumazzo was raised in California and is currently residing in California as well.

She is in a long term relationship with her boyfriend by the name of Ethan Grey, a fellow Tik Tok star.

Alex has a bright personality that shines through along with her huge confidence persona!

Alexyoumazzo Hair Loss: Why Is She Bald?

She has alopecia. What Is Alopecia, you ask?

Well alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes your hair to come out, often in clumps or in the size and shape of a quarter.

The amount of hair loss is different in everyone. Some people lose it only in a few spots, others lose a lot.

Around 10 percent of people will go on to develop alopecia totalis which is a total loss of hair on the entire body or alopecia universalis which is hair loss on just the total scalp.

What are the main causes of alopecia?

There are different types of alopecia. The cause is when the immune system attacks the hair follicles from growth which then causes extreme hair loss.

Alexyoumazzo Hair Loss: Is Her Bald Head Hurting Alex's Social Media Career?

Now-At-All! Alex AKA Alexyoumazzo is actually flourishing rather wonderfully with her beautiful bald head! 

She still enjoys her life and says that yes, even though her bald scalp does indeed draw alot of attention and looks she rather enjoys it. 

The tik tok videos that she creates, radiate a bright and happy energy that exhibits her confidence in which she is known for.

Here is one of her many Tik Tok videos of her exhibiting her cute dance skills:


all the people in the back are my fav part

♬ DC Juucyj - JJ WILLIAMS🥱

Alexyoumazzo Hair Loss: Is There  A Cure Or Treatment For Aloecia Areata?

Is there a cure or a treatment for alopecia areata? 

No, there is no cure currently for alopecia areata. 

Treatment can be over-the-counter such as using Rogaine minoxidil. It is the most commonly used store product treatment bought by people trying to grow hair from hair loss. 

There are also common home remedies for hair loss such as crushing up an onion in a blender and rubbing the thick onion juice on the scalp as a natural hair growth home remedy for hair growth. 

But unfortunately those treatments are not likely to work for everyone dealing with hair loss.

Alexyoumazzo Hair Loss: A Role Model!

Most women might hide in her same condition and never want to be online showing themselves dance without hair but she does NOT care and I believe that is why people admire her.

Especially females who are currently going through teenage hair loss and adult female hair loss.

Alex proves to others that bald is still beautiful with confidence!

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